Modern Slavery Policy
Birkin Group is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. As an equal opportunities employer, we're committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory and respectful working environment for our staff. We want all our staff to feel confident that they can expose wrongdoing without any risk to themselves.
Birkin Group fully supports the promotion of ethical and lawful business practices within our workplace and will not tolerate orcondone any form or practice that constitutes slavery, human trafficking, or bonded labour in any part of our organisation.
We will continue to embed the principles through:
providing awareness training to staff on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and informing them of the appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking
ensuring that consideration of the modern slavery risks and prevention are added to Birkin's policy review process as an employer and procurer of goods and services
making sure Birkin's procurement strategies and contract terms and conditions include references to modern slavery and human trafficking
continuing to take action to embed a zero-tolerance policy toward modern slavery
ensuring that staff involved in buying or procurement and the recruitment and deployment of employees receive training on modern slavery and ethical employment practices
Birkin Group suppliers are an important part of our success and our culture. We expect each of these business partners to conducttheir business with the same commitment to ethical business practices as Birkin Group. We will conduct internal verification of product supply chains to evaluate and address the risks of human trafficking, bonded labour, and slavery and thoroughly investigate anyclaim or indication that a supplier is engaging in any of the above practices. If a supplier is found to be violating these human rights issues, we will take prompt, remedial measures to address the violation.
We're committed to driving out acts of modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and bonded labour within our business and from within our supply chain, including sub-contractors, and partners.